Nákup kapaliny do ostřikovačů

Economic Operator with Whom the Contract Has Been Concluded

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Detail24115004969 03. 09. 2024FILSON s.r.o.23 620,0019 520,0023 620,0019 520,00CZK

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List of Participants

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DetailVV TOP s.r.o.Brno50 095,0041 400,00CZKNo
DetailFRUNO, spol. s r.o.Litvínov32 500,0026 860,00CZKNo
DetailAUTOSPOL spol. s r.o.Nasavrky39 320,0032 500,00CZKNo
DetailFILSON s.r.o.Praha23 620,0019 520,00CZKYes
DetailAutoservis RADAC s.r.o.Praha95 110,0078 605,00CZKNo